Wedding Day Nerves

Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life - but it can also be one of the most stressful.

So what can you do to ensure that the wedding day blues aren't going to get you down and that nerves won't spoil your big day?

You can listen to this hypnotherapy script, designed especially to help reduce nerves and increase confidence on your wedding day, showing you how to make your most special day a real success.

On this recording, you will be talked through every aspect of your wedding day in a deeply relaxed and calm state.

You should be enjoying this day, not worrying about looking silly in front of your guests or being unable to say your vows or stand up and give your speech

So relax, enjoy and cherish it and above all – have fun!

Script - Only £4.50

MP3 - Only £6.99

CD - Only £12.99


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