
Trichotillomania (TTM) is a disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by the pulling out of the patients own body hair, usually from the scalp but also quite frequently from the rest of the body i.e. from the eyebrows, eyelashes, torso, limbs and pubic area.

It is an undesirable pattern of behaviour that is very treatable with hypnotherapy through resolving unconscious internal conflicts, integrating functional behaviour patterns and resolving any anxiety.

Through uncovering the reasoning behind the hair-pulling and substituting it for a healthier and more acceptable habit; this recording can help you to regain your strong, healthy hair which you can be proud of.

By taking the important step of downloading this MP3, you can put this bad habit to the back of your mind and get on with enjoying your life to the full.

Script - Only £4.50

MP3 - Only £6.99

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Trichotillomania (Trichotillosis - Compulsive Hair Pulling)

Trichotillomania is the compulsive act of pulling ones own hair; this can occur on the scalp or other parts of the head (as in eyelashes, beard, facial hair, nose hair) or bodily hair and in extreme cases can lead to bald patches.

Trichotillomania often occurs as a result of stress and anxiety and can become habitual. It has been classified as an impulse control disorder and linked to obsessive compulsive disorder.

In its early stages sufferers often don't even realize that they are pulling their hair and it can take someone else to point out their habit, by which time it has usually become an established pattern of behaviour.


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