Would you like to see the silver lining in all things?
Would you like to increase your optimism, kindness and inner happiness?
It is possible to be happier, to feel more satisfied, to be more at one with life and even laugh and smile more, regardless of your circumstances.
All you need is a more positive view to live life to the full and realise that true happiness lies within you.
Hypnosis can help transform your mental attitude by talking directly to your unconscious mind, redirecting any negative thoughts to happier, more peaceful ones.
Money can't buy you happiness, but this fantastic MP3 from Hypnotic World may be able to help you find it!
Script - Only £3.99
MP3 - Only £6.99
CD - Only £12.99
Happiness is defined as a feeling of joy or elation - a feeling of experiencing positive emotions - however happiness is a subjective feeling which we cannot fully compare with others' experience of happiness.
Happiness is usually experienced when we are in a positive frame of mind whereas sadness, on the other hand, usually arises whilst in a negative state.
Can we choose to be happy?
Clearly our environment and other factors will influence the conditions that can nurture happiness, however in Buddhism for example one is taught to align themselves with the universe and to accept that Mind is the fore runner of our states of existence.
We can achieve peace of mind and create happiness within.
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