
There is quite a bit of mixed feeling about treating clients with epilepsy in the hypnotherapy world so I would recommend that you decide for yourself, or seek medical advice. You should be aware of what to do if your client does have a seizure.

However, this is a combination of a script that I successfully devised for a client who had a fear of epileptic fits and some research that I have read on this subject. The person in question significantly reduced the severity and frequency of his attacks, but this could have been because his fear of having them was reduced.

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Epilepsy is a condition whereby the patient suffers from recurrent seizures (fits) which are caused by a sudden burst of electrical energy in the brain.

Many epileptics have warning signs just before the fit occurs. Often they say that they experience a strange smell or taste that is difficult to describe.

During the seizure the epileptic will suffer a loss of consciousness and onlookers may notice some of the following signs:

  • Jerking of the body
  • Glazed look in the eyes
  • Chewing movements
  • Limpness in the limbs
  • Insensible speech
  • Rocking movements

Epilepsy can be triggered by flashing lights and the patient may experience a sense of 'déjà vu' (the feeling of having done something before).

There is no evidence that hypnotherapy can cause a fit. If one does occur during trance then it is most likely coincidental.

The relaxing experience of hypnotherapy can have a calming effect on the epileptic which is opposite to the experience of having a seizure.


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