Confidence and Positivity
Develop Inner Confidence and feelings of Positivity with this professionally-recorded hypnosis CD
Each one of us are unique human beings - we all have something very valuable to offer to the world around us - however problems often stem from feelings of insecurity or lack of self-worth - perhaps having been undermined by others in some way in the past.
Appreciating and believing in yourself is the first important step towards eveloping inner confidence and positivity.
True confidence comes from within and this hypnosis CD can help you to believe that you really are a wonderful and amazing person.
CD - Only £12.99
Confidence Building
While some dream of love, some of wealth, others dream of something different more simple. Some people dream of going through an entire day feeling confident and self-assured. Few manage to make that dream a reality.
The idea that we are not good enough is implanted when children are too often safely put out of the way as in like playpens. The child's growing awareness draws the conclusion (quite rightly) that they will only be approved of if they're quiet, stay out of the way, and don't cause trouble. Under these circumstances children learn to be afraid to explore, manage small risks, or discover their own solutions to any challenges.
This kind of development can lead to chronic low-self esteem. People with this kind of low self-esteem feel insecure because they aren't quite sure what'normal' is. They are inherently uncomfortable with themselves as well as with others. Symptoms of low self-esteem have predictable consequences. There are patterns of behaviour generated by low self esteem.
Some aspects of low self-esteem appear resistant to treatment requiring more dynamic interventions like hypnosis.
Free Hypnosis Scripts offers a number of self confidence building hypnosis CDs designed to help you to reclaim and build up lost or diminished self esteem and to accept and appreciate yourself as a good and worthwhile human being.
CD - Only £12.99
Overcome Stuttering
Overcome stuttering or stammering with this professionally-recorded hypnosis CD.
It is estimated that over three million Americans stutter. Although it is more common in children, most outgrow their stuttering, and it is estimated that less than 1 percent of adults stutter.
Stuttering or stammering is a speech disorder in which the normal flow of speech is disrupted by numerous repetitions or prolongation's of syllables or words or by the inability to begin a word. It is made more severe by certain situations, such as talking on the telephone or to a group.
The use of hypnosis in the treatment of stuttering is not new and reports date back to the late 19th century.
Hypnosis teaches patients to remove all barriers to correct speech, building confidence, self-esteem and self-acceptance. However the key to removing stuttering is to relax whilst talking and stop concentrating on what you are saying, and start listening to others. Hypnosis is the ideal method to promote relaxation and improve speech.
By listening to this recording, you are going to find yourself becoming calmer and your words will just begin to fall out of your mouth, streaming out, in perfect time with your thoughts.
If Gareth Gates, Bruce Willis, Samuel L Jackson, Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill can overcome their stuttering to become successful public speakers then you can too!
So purchase this terrific recording now to have the confidence to say what you want, where you want, when you want!
CD - Only £12.99
Overcome Timidity with Hypnosis
If you are a naturally shy and retiring person then you might find it difficult to imagine being able to project yourself in a more confident manner.
Maybe there is a lion waiting to escape from that tiny mouse? How would you like to be? Assertive? Confident? More talkative in group situations?
You have as much potential in you as anyone else; this recording can help you to reclaim what is rightfully yours.
CD - Only £12.99
Confidence at Work
Develop more Confidence in the Work place
If you find it difficult to express your ideas to your colleagues then this hypnosis CD can help you to develop more effective communication skills and instil the confidence and belief in yourself to project your thoughts in such a way that people will respect and admire you for.
This recording helps you to do all this and more on an unconscious level - so that after just a short while it seems so natural to you that you will wonder whatever was holding you back in the past.
CD - Only £12.99
Confidence for Hypnotherapists
This recording is perfect for new therapists or those lacking a lot of experience or confidence in their ability to help others. You will be guided through a therapy session and see the perfect outcome - giving you the boost that you need.
CD - Only £12.99
The Confidence Kite
Help your child to become more confident with this professionally-recorded hypnosis CD from Free Hypnosis Scripts.
This hypnosis CD is ideal for boosting the confidence of children who might be interested in kites or construction toys.
CD - Only £12.99
Confident Dating
In our culture dating couples come in all stripes and sizes with many active singles having already passed through some form of intimate relationship and perhaps venturing out again. Aiming to'have fun' is an important motivating factor for dating but as with all things, making each date worthwhile means it will be all that more memorable. For many all that may be required is a bolstering that old confidence and self esteem.
Even the most perfect potential mate out there may not be recognized on the first date. It may take a time to discover that you've become friends. Dating is that magical gauntlet that helps us learn more about that other person and lays a strong foundation. Whether the relationship ends up being'the one' or not there's no reason not to aim high from the beginning.
Establishing a healthy and exciting new relationship means being ready to create'the perfect date' every time you plan a first date. Humans are tremendously complex creatures with many levels of needs.
Yet everyone hopes to find that perfect relationship, right? So each date has the potential to be truly special event which makes it a potentially nerve wracking and insurmountable obstacle for some.
Low self confidence is common among people considering dating for the first time or returning to the dating scene after a long interval.
This hypnosis CD has the power to inspire self confidence and the potential to free you from the confines of chronic low self esteem and give you the tools needed to reach for your dreams.
CD - Only £12.99
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