Millions of adults and children alike are addicted to chocolate.
The U.S. alone consumes over 2 billion pounds annually, which adds up to over 11 pounds per person. The vast majority of chocolate consumers know that its high sugar content leads
to obesity and that it is also linked to migraines, acne, dental cavities, heartburn, and coronary problems.
Frequent consumption of chocolate leads to addiction and once this has set in, it may take more than mere willpower to stop and often aversion therapies are required.
Perhaps you only resort to chocolate binges when you are depressed, or maybe you're one of those who secretly knows that you are a chocolate addict and frequently go on chocolate binges.
Whichever you are, you can melt away those cravings with this wonderful recording.
Script - Only £4.50
MP3 - Only £6.99
CD - Only £12.99
Whether you are addicted to certain activities such as gambling or compulsive shopping, drugs (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis) or something comparatively harmless like chocolate then you may be wondering which is the best avenue to take to overcome this problem.
Most people don't deliberately set out to become addicted to anything and once they are 'in it's grip' then they can't be blamed for feeling apprehensive about life without their prop. This is why substitute methods (i.e. nicotine patches, gum and so on) will rarely work permanently.
I know of many people who quit smoking with nicotine gum and became addicted to the gum. In fact, during a period where many people were trying their best to quit I remember sitting on a bus and watching how many people were vigorously chewing - I wondered how much their jaws must ache.
The hardest part about stopping any unwanted habit is undoubtedly thinking about stopping. The psychological aspect of your addiction is probably far stronger than the physical one.
This is why we developed our excellent range of hypnotic recordings - we realize that addiction really is 'all in the mind'.
Can you remember a time before you started smoking, drinking, taking heroin, compulsive shopping, eating excess chocolate or gambling or whatever your issue is? I bet you didn't even think about those things and you managed to get along quite well in life.
And you can do so again.
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