
If your relationship with food drives you to binge eating and then making yourself throw up afterwards then you could be suffering from bulimia.

Bulimics often suffer from feelings of low self-worth and feel that they have little control over their eating habits, however it is important to realize that you are not alone in suffering from bulimia and that this problem can be overcome with the right help.

How Hypnosis Helps

Whilst listening to this hypnosis recording your subconscious mind will be relaxed and in the perfect state to accept the positive suggestions which are for your own health and well-being.

You will gain the confidence to accept yourself and to see your past bulimic behaviour as something that you can easily gain control over.

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Bulimia is a common eating disorder characterized by binge eating and compensatory purging including self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or other behaviours such as fasting or excessive exercise. One of the few things experts agree on when it comes to bulimia is that the disorder itself is a paradox.

Bulimia sufferers focus on controlling the body to compensate for uncontrolled binges to gain a much needed feeling of self-esteem. However exerting control over the body is a poor substitute for the ability to wield true control in life.

Many people think that bulimia is a problem exclusive to the female sex, however although most sufferers are predominantly female the disorder can occur in males too.


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