Bruxism / Teeth Grinding

Bruxism (teeth grinding) often occurs when a person is stressed and commonly expresses itself when the stressed person is sleeping as their brain sifts through the events that have recently occurred. Once the habit is established it can happen anywhere and at any time, almost unconsciously.

Once someone becomes conscious of what they are doing it is much easier to stop. This hypnosis download MP3 can help sufferers to become aware of their habit and teaches other, more desirable and beneficial responses so that Bruxism becomes a thing of the past.

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Most people suffering from are unaware that they have such a problem as their grinding often manifests itself during the hours of sleep.

The habit can be annoying for sleeping partners who are kept awake by the grinding.

There is no single cause of Bruxism, however stress is thought to be an important factor.

Bruxism can cause abnormal wear of the teeth as well as jaw pain, headaches and disturbed sleep patterns.

Bruxism can sometimes be caused by misaligned teeth. If this is the case then your dentist can help by producing a dental mouth guard for you to wear whilst asleep, however this does not address the underlying cause of the habit.


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