Blood pressure is the force of blood within the arteries of the body. Blood flows through the body pumped by the heart, first through the, through organs, and into the, before returning to
the heart to be pumped around again. The arteries have higher pressure than the veins because they are closer to the heart.
Blood pressure is a combination of the pumping of blood by the heart into the arteries as well as the resistance to the flow of blood by the arteries. The systolic blood pressure (the top number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries. The diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart relaxes after it contracts.
The 'normal' blood pressure is around 120/80, but this varies with age, sex, fitness levels and many other lifestyle factors.
According to recent literature, nearly one third of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, but because there are no symptoms, many of these people don't know they have it and it may go undetected for years.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure is associated with many health problems including stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. High blood pressure is often called the "silent killer." The only diagnosis for high blood pressure is a blood pressure test.
Consistently high blood pressure puts a strain on the heart and blood vessels and can, if left untreated, lead to stroke and heart attack.
Because there are no obvious symptoms associated with high blood pressure it is important to have regular readings.
Many pharmacists in the UK now offer free testing and you can purchase blood pressure monitors to take your own reading.
If you suffer from high blood pressure then there are certain things that you can do to help yourself. Amongst these are:
Hypnotherapy can assist with the management of high blood pressure, if used in conjunction with any treatment given by your GP and any necessary lifestyle changes. If you have any doubts about your condition or its management you should seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.
With the help of this recording, you can reduce your blood pressure and slash your stress levels at the same time, as easy as turning down the pressure on a machine.
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