Alcohol Cessation

Are you worried about the effects of alcohol abuse on yourself or someone close to you?

Apart from causing blurred vision, memory loss, slurred speech, sleep and liver disorders (to mention but a few), alcohol can also have a devastating effect on the brain.

Many alcohol dependents find it difficult to drink in moderation. Once they start they just have to keep on drinking, an indication of an 'all or nothing' personality?

However, most addictions are psychological in nature and given the right set of conditions and mindset they can be beaten.

This recording is hypnotic in nature and should never be used when operating a moving vehicle or in any other situations where you need to be fully alert and in control.

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Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is on the increase. National statistics reveal that more young people are drinking alcohol to excess. According to the Institute of Alcohol Studies young people in the UK are the third worst binge drinkers in Europe.

Some of the side effects of alcohol abuse are:

Liver problems:
As alcohol is processed by the liver this can cause an enormous strain on this organ which can result in cirrhosis later in life. When this happens the liver turns into scar tissue which is irreversible if allowed to progress.

Skin problems:
Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the skin which can cause binge drinkers and alcoholics to look much older than they actually are.

High blood pressure (hypertension)
High blood pressure is one of those secret killers as there are often no visible symptoms. If left untreated it can cause stroke and heart failure.

Binge drinkers suffer more accidents than their sober counterparts This can result in drunk driving and potential death as well as minor accidents due to impaired coordination.

Alcohol is behind many crimes such as drunken fights which can occur as a result of a lowered inhibition.

Relationship disasters
Binge drinking can cause breakdowns in relationships due to violence, alienation from partners, duties and impaired sexual performance, to name just a few of the reasons.

If you think that your alcohol intake might be a problem for you then it could be a good idea to keep a drink diary and record how many units you consume.

As a guide:

  • A half a pint of beer or cider = 1.5 units which coverts into approximately 200 calories.
  • 1 large glass of dry white wine = 3 units which convert to approximately 185 calories.
  • 1 50ml glass of whisky = 2 units which convert to approximately 111 calories.
  • 1 pint of bitter = 2.16 units which convert to approximately 182 calories.


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